The worldwide increase of diabetes complications had impacted many lives young, middle aged and elderly from disability to premature death. The higher rate of premature death impacted most families in the lower income countries like Fiji.

The worldwide increase of diabetes complications had impacted many lives young, middle aged and elderly from disability to premature death. The higher rate of premature death impacted most families in the lower income countries like Fiji. The alarming increase of diabetes complications portrayed the   nurse’s current knowledge of diabetes complications patients in the practice setting. The gap of knowledge in practice can be a contributing factor that caused a late detection of signs and symptoms of diabetes complication in this country.

Aim: is to determine the, knowledge, practice and perception of nurses of Colonial War Memorial Hospital (CWMH), Suva Fiji, regarding diabetes complications prevention.

Method: A convenience sample of 32 nurses, worked in six identified wards at Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Fiji was surveyed through self-administered questionnaires in qualitative descriptive study. Pilot study was done one week before the self-administered questionnaires was sent to the 32participants of the study. Demographic data was provided and nurses was provided diabetes self-report tool while the diabetes complication tool was used to assess the casual knowledge of the 32 participants. Four Groups of five Nurse Unit Managers and Senior nurses participated in the focus group discussions was a good way to gather people from similar backgrounds or experiences to discuss a specific topic of interest.

File Type: pdf
Categories: Thesis
Tags: primary care, public health
Author: Sereana S. N. Lalabalavu
Downloads: 6